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Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter


Bulletin 5 February 27th – March 12th 2025

Dear Residents


Anyone can be caught out by distraction thefts; they are often quick, seamless and go unnoticed. Being alert and aware of your surroundings is important.


The most common type of distraction theft that we see is a phone being stolen from the table in a café or restaurant. 


Always remain vigilant with personal belongings in public. Whether you are approached, or your attention is diverted by someone, ensure all valuables are safe within your bag. Refrain from having them in easily accessible pockets or out on a table, as this can allow criminals to swipe them quickly while you're distracted. 


At cash machines, thieves will watch as you key in your PIN or distract you while you’re withdrawing cash. Cover your PIN and keep an eye on your card at all times. If someone taps you on the shoulder or tries to speak to you, just ignore them.


If you have been a victim of distraction theft, you can report it here👉 http://spkl.io/6180fTCFY 


If it's a crime in progress, please call 999.


 Inspector Lyndsey Whatley

Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Inspector






Our Neighbourhood Patrol Team and Safer Neighbourhood Team deal with a variety of incidents. Here are a few they dealt with since the last Bulletin and a Court Result.



Michael Richardson pleaded guilty to burglary at Guildford Crown Court on Wednesday, 12th February. He  was sentenced to two years and three months in prison and ordered to pay £190 in costs after burgling a 92-year-old woman's home. The 43-year-old forced entry in August 2021 to the victim’s home by breaking a glass panel in the front door.

He was unaware that he cut himself while doing so. The cut created trails of blood throughout the Oxted flat and into the victim’s bedroom, where Richardson stole engagement rings, a wedding ring, an eternity ring and a necklace, all of which were given to the victim by her late husband.

Forensic teams were able to obtain a full DNA match (1 in 1 billion match) using the blood Richardson left throughout the flat and he was later arrested for burglary. 


In 2022 Jordan Prescott, now 25, was arrested in Whyteleafe after a stop and search revealed he was in possession of drugs, multiple mobile phones, and cash. 


During the course of their investigation, officers uncovered a significant amount of data concerning Prescott’s involvement drug dealing and county lines in Caterham and Redhill, and he was charged in 2024 with for being concerned in the supply of Class A and Class B drugs, possession with intent to supply Class B drugs, and being concerned in the supply of Class C drugs, and possession of Class B drugs.


Prescott, (25/01/2000), of Caterham, was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment at Guildford Crown Court on 25th February.




There were 15   Arrests in the period February 24th to March 9th    2025    : Domestic Abuse / Violent Domestic Abuse 13   , Prescribed Limit Offence 1   , Public Order 1    , Child at Risk 1, Theft 1,    Violent Crime Public Place 1, Drunk/Drug in charge 1, Sexual Offence 1, Burglary Residential 1,

 Drugs 1, Public Order 1, Harassment 1, Road Related 1, Warrant 1.


On March 1st a male was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply drugs and remanded to prison The arrest followed an incident in Woldingham when the male was assaulted and bundled into a car by three suspects. The car was then involved in a single vehicle road traffic collision in Whytleafe Hill in which the three suspects decamped. One suspect who was on a recall to prison was detained following a search by a drone and a police dog and further enquiries are continuing. 


 If your area is NOT referred to below it is because we have not been informed of the crime or it has not been affected by reported crime in the categories below. Feedback from you will help to achieve the most appropriate circulation of information. 




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages


Crowhurst Lane, Crowhurst. Between 11.30 and 15.50 March 12th the front door and porch door of a house were forced open, an untidy search took place but it is not known whether anything was stolen (PR45250029627).


Vehicle Crime


Gun Pit Road, Lingfield. Between February 25th and 27th ladders were stolen from the roof of a van (PR45250025215).




Burglary Business and Community


Lindley Road, Godstone. Between 14.00 and 23.59 March 11th there was an unsuccessful attempt to break into two sheds  and the lock of one shed was damaged (PR45250029779).


Criminal Damage


Netherleigh Park, South Nutfield. Around 20.45 March 10th a male wearing a grey hoodie, average build, approx. 5’ 10” tall age 20 to 30  fired stones at the windows of a property and the windscreen of a car causing damage before driving a Honda CRV into the electric gates causing severe damage (PR45250028848)..


Vehicle Crime


Needles Bank, Godstone – Theft. Overnight March 12th to 13yh a dark blue Toyota Hilux index H4JJJ  was stolen (SYP20250313-0094).




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages

Rockfield Road, Oxted. Between March 1st and 7th someone caused damage to the window of a house in what appeared to be an attempt to gain access (PR45250027230).

Wolfs Wood, Oxted. Between March 7th and 9th suspects smashed the glass in a pair of bi fold doors to enter a house. An untidy search was undertaken and cash and jewellery stolen (PR45250028615).



Tandridge Lane, Tandridge. Between March 1st and 3rd a 3 tonne digger – Takeuchi Model TKB 1025 serial number 50037 was stolen (PR45250026061).


Vehicle Crime

Titsey Road, Oxted. Overnight March 2nd to 3rd a black Fiat 500 Lounge index PO68HZZ was stolen (PR45250025703).




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages 

Court Road, Caterham on The Hill. Overnight March 5th to 6th the window in the rear door of a house was smashed enabling the offenders to gain entry. It is believed that jewellery has been stolen in addition to a grey Range Rover Sport index GY17MRX along with the key to the vehicle which was in a pouch on a kitchen shelf (PR45250026757).

Livingstone Road, Caterham On The Hill. Between 16.00 March 5th and 12.00 March 6th the hinges on the side door of a house under renovation were unscrewed and a crowbar used to gain access. Rolls of lead, hand tools, metal tools and a set of spare van alloys were stolen (PR45240027720).


Distraction Theft

Station Avenue, Caterham. Around 12.15 March 3rd the victim inserted her bank card into the ATM machine outside a bank. When it did not come out a man described as Asian/dark skinned in his 30’s/40’s , about 5’ 10”, medium build wearing a black/ grey jacket, beige tracksuit trousers and a light tan flat cap/cheese grater hat told her to keep entering her PIN.  .When the card did not come out she went into the Bank who told her that £700 had been withdrawn from her account. (PR45250025384).



Stafford Road, Caterham. Around 20.37 March 8th a male was seen stealing a pressure washer from building site.CCTV footage and details of the male and the car that was used in the incident have been provided to officers who are investigating (PR45250028211)


Vehicle Crime

Queens Park Road, Caterham On The Hill – Criminal Damage. Overnight March 8th to 9th the windscreen of a car was smashed (PR45250027889) and an identical incident occurred in Birch Avenue overnight (PR45250027943).




Vehicle Crime



Westmore Road, Tatsfield – Criminal Damage. Overnight February 27th to 28th the rear window of a car was smashed (PR45250023979).


Westmore Green, Tatsfield – Theft. Between 15.00 and 17.30 March 6th index plates BW03HVR were stolen from a car (PR45250028348).



HIllbury Close, Warlingham - Theft. Around 11.39 March 3rd two white males drilled out the rear lock of a van and stole Dewalt drills, batteries and an electric laser level before driving off in a grey Cupra Ateca on index plates that had earlier been stolen from a car in, Church Road, Whyteleafe . The index plates were S3KJO (PR45250025381/25504).


Boxwood Way, Warlingham – Keyless Theft. Overnight March 1st to 2nd a red Ford Fiesta index AF14YXN was stolen by two males who appear to have gained entry to the car at 02.43 (PR45250025500).


Farleigh Road, Warlingham – Theft. Between 09.00 and 15.00 March 5th £2,000 of tools were stolen from an unlocked van on a driveway including 2 saws, a petrol grinder and laser pens (PR45250026192).


If you have to contact us about a non urgent matter or to provide information on non-urgent suspicious matters or unusual behaviour you have observed which may be useful intelligence for us at a future date please email

 Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Team:  tandridge@surrey.police.uk 
The information you provide will be read and treated in confidence when the staff are next on duty.



We have a portal for circumstances where no crime has been reported, but the suspicious behaviour could potentially be related to a burglary, theft of a vehicle, or catalytic converter, for example. We have a different unique link we provide to victims and witnesses when a burglary has occurred.

To find out more about the portal and submit your footage visit this link: https://surrey.police.uk/suspiciousactivityportal


How to contact us with information when we issue Witness Appeals or Appeals for information


  • Webchat on the right hand side of the Surrey Police homepage at https:/surrey.police.uk 
  • Online https://www.surrey.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/cor/tell-us-about-existing-case-report/
  • Calling us on 101

    Any recipient of Neighbourhood Alert is free to copy our Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter to any other interested party who can also register to receive the bulletin at: https://neighbourhoodalert.co.uk


    You can read past editions on the Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch website www.tandridgenhw.org  if you click on the tab headed Police Tandridge Beat Facebook Page

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    Just a gentle reminder that our Safer Neighbourhood Team mail box, Facebook and X account are not monitored 24/7. To report incidents please call 101 or in an emergency 999.
    If you wish to report a NON URGENT crime visit:


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    Message Sent By
    Neil Barnes
    (Surrey Police, Community Engagement Volunteer Safer Neighbourhood Team, Tandridge)

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