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Police activity results in 93 charges as part of collaborative action in Redhill

One year on, a targeted, partnership approach to improving safety in Redhill has secured strong results, which are reducing crime, increasing community confidence and taking offenders off the streets.


Safer Redhill is an initiative designed to bring partners together to reduce criminal activity in the town and foster pride in Redhill. The group includes Surrey Police, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, YMCA, local businesses and community partners who are jointly tackling anti-social behaviour and crime.


Following an initial period of community consultation and problem solving with partners to decide the most effective action, Surrey Police has conducted targeted activities over the past year to disrupt and deter criminals in Redhill.


From joint drugs operations at Redhill train station to plain clothed officers deployed at night to spot suspicious behaviour, a huge range of activity has had extensive results.


  • 155 arrests for offences including assaults, burglary, drink driving, drug supply and shoplifting
  • 93 charges, of which 81 were charged and remanded
  • A combined prison time of 25 years for local offenders, with many more still to appear for trial
  • Two Criminal Behaviour Orders issued for anti-social behaviour and 80 Community Resolutions issued for offences such as possession of a small quantity of drugs, low value and first time shoplifting offences and minor public order incidents
  • Over £7,000 worth of fines, court costs and victim surcharges issued by the courts
  • 86 drug seizures, including 10kg of suspected cocaine
  • £89,000 cash recovered and weapons taken off the streets
  • 15 vehicles seized and driving disqualification penalties issued that total 8.5 years.

    Alongside enforcement activity, the local policing team has built strong relationships within the town, whether that’s engaging with students at colleges, Meet the Beat sessions or licensing visits with the council’s Joint Enforcement Team to support premises in Redhill. 


    Borough Commander Jon Vale said: “I’m incredibly proud of the efforts of all our partners to address crime in Redhill and help people feel safer in the town. It’s a team effort and I’m grateful to all the businesses, organisations and residents who are supporting this project to take pride in Redhill.”


    When our communities look at the number of arrests and charges we’ve made over the past year, I want to reassure residents that it’s through the work we’ve been doing that we’re able to seek out and clear this crime from the town. Surrey remains one of the safest counties in the UK and our enforcement activities have had a strong impact in Redhill. Since we began our increased police activity, we’ve seen a significant decrease in crimes such as shoplifting, sexual assaults, serious attacks, robbery and anti-social behaviour.”


    This week, we have launched a survey for residents and visitors to Redhill to tell us what you think of the activity in the town and where we should focus our continued efforts. Please a few minutes to share your views: https://bit.ly/SaferRedhillSurvey


    Find out more about Safer Redhill here: https://www.reigate-banstead.gov.uk/safer-redhill

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    Laura Richards
    (Surrey Police, Communications Officer, Corporate Communications)

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