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Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter

Bulletin 4 February 13th – February 26th 2025

Dear Residents


Sadly we are seeing a spate of tool thefts happening in the local area and fully understand the community impact this has. I want to reassure that we are working hard to get as many suspects linked to tool thefts arrested and in custody as possible, and to recover any stolen property. Three weeks ago we ran an operation alongside our colleagues in the Met and Sussex Police. We arrested a 35 year-old man and an 18 year-old man both from Bexley on Tuesday, 11th February for theft offences in Woldingham and Caterham. 


As part of the operation, Met Police also stopped and arrested a man in Caterham on 11th February on suspicion of the Theft of a Motor Vehicle. A vehicle was recovered and returned to the rightful owner.


We will be continuing this activity, often in 'plain clothes' which means the local community (and the thieves!) may not be aware of our presence, but assure you we are taking it seriously. We ask the public if they do see any suspicious activity to report it immediately so we can act. Furthermore, if you see tools being sold that you think may be stolen or have information on these crimes, please contact us.



 Inspector Lyndsey Whatley

Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Inspector





Our Neighbourhood Patrol Team and Safer Neighbourhood Team deal with a variety of incidents. Here are a few they dealt with since the last Bulletin.



There were 39   Arrests in the period January  9th  to February 23rd     2025    : Domestic Abuse / Violent Domestic Abuse 13   ,  Prescribed Limit Offence 2   ,Public Order 2   , Common Assault 1   , Stalking 2 , Child at Risk 5  , Theft 1, Sexual Offence 1,  Violent Crime Public Place 2,Violent Crime Other 1, Immigration 3, Handling Stolen goods 1,  Vehicle Crime 1, Actual l Bodily Harm 1, Assault on Police 2,  Common Assault 1.


On February 21st a stolen car that had been fitted with a tracker was located on a lorry at commercial premises in the Caterham area. One male was arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods and enquiries continue.


On February 25th a male was arrested after failing a roadside breath test and a drug test.


Following two incidents on February 24th one male has been arrested. In the first incident in Oxted two suspects tried to force the victim to hand over his mobile phone. Later in Whyteleafe a young female was forced to hand over her mobile phone after being threatened by a male who opened a bag in front of her which contained a machete.  The following day one of the three male juveniles involved in this incident was arrested and is facing charges of robbery, possession of a bladed article and possession of cannabis. The two other suspects involved in this incident are being sought as enquiries continue.



 If your area is NOT referred to below it is because we have not been informed of the crime or it has not been affected by reported crime in the categories below. Feedback from you will help to achieve the most appropriate circulation of information. 




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages


Effingham Road, Burstow. Between February 14th and 23rd a garage was broken into and several thousand pounds worth of coins were stolen (PR45250022201).


Vehicle Crime


Redehall Road, Smallfield – Theft. Overnight February 17th to 18th a van was broken into and tools were stolen (PR45250020121).


Rookery Hill, Outwood – Theft. Between 00.00 and 07.30 February 24th a beigey grey Suzuki index PY10NGZ was stolen from a driveway (PR45250022567).




Burglary Business and Community


Eastbourne Road, South Godstone. Between 19.20 and 20.00 February 13th suspects climbed a fence, broke down a gate and then opened a door of retail premises. Once inside they stole a till with cash in it together with a till drawer and receipt printer (PR45250018231).


Barfields, Bletchingley. Between 00.01 February 18th and 17.52 February 19th the locks of two garages were damaged in what appeared to be an attempted break in (PR45250021159).




Roughets Lane, Bletchingley.Around 21.01 February 15th a black Mitsubishi open back truck with no rear or front index plate and carrying male and three females was seen at premises. The following morning a large quantity of electric tape, poles, battery and energiser were found to be missing from a field (PR45250019048)





Tandridge Lane, Tandridge. Between February 18th and 20th three bicycles were stolen from a shed. The first was a Canyon Aeroad CF SLX 7.0 frame no R2816H15G00464. The second was a Canyon  Inflite CF SL 7 frame no R06301N21M0922  and the third a Cannondale Topstone 2. A Garmin Edge 530 serial no 3364327442 was also stolen (PR45250020594).


Vehicle Crime

Hoskins Road, Oxted – Theft. Between 18.50 and 22.05 February 14th a white Range Rover Exoque index FL13URR was stolen from a car park (PR45250018578).


Gordons Way, Oxted – Theft. Between 13.00 February 14th and 12.00 February 15th a red Mini Cooper index LS18AEE was stolen (PR45250019129).


Wolfs Wood, Hurst Green – Theft. Overnight February 21st to 22nd a white Ford Fiesta was stolen. On February 23rd the vehicle was used as a mission vehicle in a failed attempt to steal a car in Horley. A short time later the vehicle was spotted by officers and later after a short pursuit in crashed into a wall in Westhall Road, Warlingham. Despite an area search in which a drone was used two males who decamped from the car were not found (PR45250022038/21781).




Vehicle Crime

Mansell Way, Caterham On The Hill – Theft. Overnight February 13th to 14th index plates DV55VTJ were stolen from a car (PR45250018586).


High Street, Caterham On The Hill – Theft. Between 17.00 and 20.50 February 24th a white Honda Jazz EX I –VTEC index OE65TMW was stolen (PR45250022152).




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages 

Leas Road, Warlingham. Between February 21st and 24th the window in a door was broken and the handle broken off at a house being redeveloped but nothing was stolen (PR45250022291).


Vehicle Crime


Westmore Green, Tatsfield – Keyless Theft. Around 19.10 February 12th a Ranger Rover was reported stolen but found later by the MET Police (PR45250018135).


Gresham Avenue, Warlingham – Theft .Sometime between The evening of February 14th and 16th a white Audi A5 was stolen. Police observed the car driving on Limpsfield Road at 00.23 February 17th from which two males decamped after it initially failed to stop. Both males were described as white the first wearing dark bottoms, dark shoes, light coloured top and having short brown hair. The second was wearing dark trousers, light top, jacket and possibly a fur hood (PR45250019236).


If you have to contact us about a non urgent matter or to provide information on non-urgent suspicious matters or unusual behaviour you have observed which may be useful intelligence for us at a future date please email Tandridge

 Safer Neighbourhood Team:  tandridge@surrey.police.uk 
The information you provide will be read and treated in confidence when the staff are next on duty.


We have a portal for circumstances where no crime has been reported, but the suspicious behaviour could potentially be related to a burglary, theft of a vehicle, or catalytic converter, for example. We have a different unique link we provide to victims and witnesses when a burglary has occurred.

To find out more about the portal and submit your footage visit this link: https://surrey.police.uk/suspiciousactivityportal


How to contact us with information when we issue Witness Appeals or Appeals for information


  • Webchat on the right hand side of the Surrey Police homepage at https:/surrey.police.uk 
  • Online https://www.surrey.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/cor/tell-us-about-existing-case-report/
  • Calling us on 101

    Any recipient of Neighbourhood Alert is free to copy our Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter to any other interested party who can also register to receive the bulletin at: https://neighbourhoodalert.co.uk


    You can read past editions on the Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch website www.tandridgenhw.org  if you click on the tab headed Police Tandridge Beat Facebook Page

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    Just a gentle reminder that our Safer Neighbourhood Team mail box, Facebook and X account are not monitored 24/7. To report incidents please call 101 or in an emergency 999.
    If you wish to report a NON URGENT crime visit:


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    Message Sent By
    Neil Barnes
    (Surrey Police, Community Engagement Volunteer Safer Neighbourhood Team, Tandridge)

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