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Witnesses sought following criminal damage at golf club - Esher

We are appealing for witnesses following a report of criminal damage at Thames Ditton and Esher Golf Club last week.

Enquiries remain ongoing following reports of criminal damage at Thames Ditton and Esher Golf Club.

Neighbourhood officers visited the club last Tuesday (18 February), after we received reports that a swastika had been carved into one of the greens overnight on 15 February.

All lines of enquiry are being explored, including checking CCTV footage from the area and speaking to people in neighbouring properties. These enquiries remain ongoing.

We have also increased our patrols in the area to deter further offences and to provide reassurance to the local community.

Elmbridge Borough Council has also been made aware of the incident.

It is believed that two dirt bikes may have entered the premises and caused damage on previous occasions. These included reports of dirt bikes entering the premises and causing damage on 11 January 2025 and two reports in November 2024.

Unfortunately, there is no description or number plate of any of the vehicles or those involved.

If you can help us identify those involved or provide any other information which would help us progress our enquiries, please contact us quoting crime ref PR/45250018945. If you do not wish to leave your name, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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Message Sent By
Daniel Blackham
(Police, Communications Assistant, Corporate Communications)

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