The Police
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Suspicious Activity Portal Reminder

Dear resident,

Have you got footage from a smart doorbell or CCTV showing suspicious activity at your property?

We understand that sometimes this type of footage might get uploaded to community groups on social media. However, sending the footage to us via our Suspicious Activity Portal will help us to identify offenders operating in the area. It will potentially link individuals to offences that have occurred elsewhere such as burglaries, thefts of vehicles and catalytic converters.

We may not be able to identify every person in a piece of footage, especially if they have a face covering, but every clip feeds into our understanding of the bigger crime picture in your area.

You can find out more and submit your footage here: https://www.surrey.police.uk/police-forces/surrey-police/areas/campaigns/suspicious-activity-portal/

Kind regards


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Message Sent By
Jessica Tolkien
(Police, Communications Officer, Corporate Communications)

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