The Police
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The next Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards webinar is nearly here!

Dear resident, 


The next Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards webinar is nearly here! 


On Thursday, 6 February join Trading Standards and the Get Safe Online team for advice on how to spot a scam, how to report one, and the ways you can protect yourself and others against them. 


Trading Standards will give an overview of scams, the various methods these criminals use and how we can help prevent them, Get Safe Online will talk about Safer Internet Day, and the National Scams Team will highlight how scams can affect our mental health.


There will be a BSL interpreter during the webinar and live subtitles will also be available. 


The webinar will run for one hour and a half to allow for questions at the end and the session will be held on Microsoft Teams. 


There is no requirement to download Microsoft Teams in order to join the event, unless you are using a mobile device which will require the app. This is free of charge.


You can find out more information, including how to sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/time-to-talk-about-scams-staying-safe-on-the-internet-bsl-available-tickets-1100854678979


Kind Regards,  

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Message Sent By
Tara Watkin
(Police, Corporate Communications Assistant, Surrey Police, Corporate Communications)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials