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Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter

Bulletin 19   August 29th – September 11th 2024

Dear Residents


 Tool thefts are more than an inconvenience. For many independent tradespeople their tools will have been accumulated over their working lives and will cost a significant amount of money to replace. Also having their tools stolen will directly impact their ability to work and provide for their families, it can also result in increased insurance premiums.


There are many things which both trades persons and ourselves can help reduce thefts and the selling on of stolen tools on internet sites and car boot sales.


What can you do to reduce this risk of having your tools stolen?


1- Remove tools from vans

Whilst this may be laborious and, for larger equipment may not always be possible, consider what you need to leave in the van overnight. Thefts from vans are far higher than that from properties and may be the best way to prevent thefts.


2- Fit a tool safe

For tools and equipment that you do leave in your van consider fitting a tool safe to provide an extra level of security should any would-be-thieves break in to your van.


3- Keep your van locked and valuables out of sight

It may sound obvious, but many thefts are purely opportunistic so whenever you’re away from your van, no matter how briefly, make sure your doors are locked, your windows shut and any tools or other valuables are kept out of sight.


4- Consider where you park your van

Whether during the day or overnight where you park your van could be a big factor in reducing the risk of thefts. Try to park in well-lit areas, preferably covered by CCTV which can act as a deterrent as well as helping to identify thieves, and if possible park against walls or hedges that could prevent doors being opened without moving the van.


5- Request extra security at hotels

If you are staying overnight and parking at the hotel then when making your booking ask if there is additional security that the hotel can provide. As well as the tips on parking your van, above, ask if it is possible to park in an inside area or close to the reception and away from unlit areas.


6- Fit an alarm

There are various alarms on the market, but Police recommend products that are Thatcham/Secured by Design accredited. However, a small stand-alone PIR shed type alarm with texting facility or personal attack alarm when triggered can be very loud, act as a deterrent and let you know that your vehicle has been entered.


7- Fit new locks

Especially on older vehicles you should consider fitting new locks to your van, a solution that may not be as expensive as you might think.


8- Mark the items of property/tools that are stored in the van

Ideally mark them overtly with paint pens and then seal down the marking with a clear lacquer spray. Mark property with the name of your company, the postcode, house or building number or name. Items that are overtly marked are less desirable and more difficult to sell on.


9- Register your tools.

There are several companies such as Immobilise UK, http://spkl.io/6186fBTg8 which operate a registration scheme for items including tool. This may enable your tools to be returned should they be found by the police at a later date.


How can other people help

Stolen tools are very often sold on to unsuspecting buyers through internet selling sites such as Marketplace and eBay or at car boot sales. It can be difficult to determine if the seller is just selling tools they no longer use.


Look for the clues.

1- If someone is selling tools at a super low price, they might be stolen. 

2- Check to see if the tools have other people's names on them. 

3- Don't buy tools out of the back of a truck from someone you do not know.

4- Don't buy tools you suspect to be stolen.

 Inspector Lyndsey Whatley

Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Inspector




Our Neighbourhood Patrol Team and Safer Neighbourhood Team deal with a variety of incidents. Here are a few they dealt with since the last Bulletin and a Court Result.



There were 25  Arrests in the period August 26th to September 8th    : Domestic Abuse / Violent Domestic Abuse 9  ,Violent Crime Public Place 3 , Prescribed Limit Offence 1  , Child at Risk 1, Criminal Damage 1 ,Robbery  5 , Public Order 2, Sexual offence 1, Alcohol/Drug related 1, Fraud 1  . 



A female driver was arrested in Blindley Heath on August 30th after failing a roadside breath test administered because of a single vehicle road traffic collision.


On August 31st following a single vehicle road traffic collision in Godstone the male driver was arrested on suspicion for being unfit to drive through drugs.


On August 31st five males were arrested on suspicion of attempt robbery, conspiracy to theft and three of them were also arrested on suspicion of importing goods without paying tax contrary to the Customs and Management Act. This followed reports from the lorry driver of an HGV who had parked in a lay by on Godstone Hill, Godstone that the males had threatened him as they attempted to steal items from the rear of the HGV. When police arrived they found the security cord around the trailer had been cut and the rear door was ajar. Whilst conducting a search of the area they discovered a van in which 3 of the males had been traveling in was carrying a quantity of hand rolling tobacco.





















In the early hours of Thursday 22nd February, officers deployed to Croydon Road 

in Caterham in search of motorbike thieves. 


Two men were detained at the location and arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon (large zombie-style knife). When searched, three packages of Class A drugs were found in the back of the taxi where the second man, 21-year-old Andre Hedley, was sat when detained. He was further arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A.


A drugs expert reviewed the items seized, drugs results, and messages from Hedley’s mobile devices, and determined that this was consistent with the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.


Hedley (12/11/2002), of Barfields, Bletchingley, was charged with being concerned in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine, and possession with intent to supply cannabis and cocaine. On Friday, 12th July he was sentenced to 42 months in prison at Guildford Crown Court.


If your area is NOT referred to below it is because we have not been informed of the crime or it has not been affected by reported crime in the categories below. Feedback from you will help to achieve the most appropriate circulation of information. 




Burglary Business and Community

Racecourse Road, Dormansland. Overnight September 6th to 6th the lock of a storage container was forced off and approximately £4,000 of construction tools were stolen (PR45240102819).


Copthorne Road, Felbridge. Between 22.00 and 23.00 September 10th the back window of a business unit was smashed and a till drawer emptied of cash (PR45240104471).


Vehicle Crime


Church Road, Lingfield. Between 08.00 and 19.20 September 3rd index plates Y3STO were stolen from a vehicle (PR45240101568).


Little Lullenden, Lingfield – Criminal Damage. Overnight September 4th to 5th a tyre of a car was deliberately stabbed and punctured (PR45240101709).


Green Lane, Shipley Bridge – Theft. Between September 3rd to 5th a white BMW series 3 index SB62WVX was stolen from a driveway (PR45240101739). 






Springbottom Lane, Bletchingley. Overnight August 28th to 29th a mare was shot at and hit again twice but this time from a longer distance (PR45240099157).


Vehicle Crime


High Street, Bletchingley – Theft, Between 12.30 and 13.00 September 5th two suspects stole a laptop from a van (PR45240102019).




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages


Eastlands Way, Oxted. Between September 2nd and 6th two hedge trimmers and a chain saw were stolen from a garden shed (PR45240102644).


Criminal Damage


Pollards Oak Road, Hurst Green – Criminal Damage. Overnight September 8th to 9th all four tyres on a car were slashed (PR45240104438).


Vehicle Crime


Paddock Way, Hurst Green – Attempt Theft. Around02.20 August 29th two males were disturbed by the victim after they had opened the boot of a car and one of them had climbed inside (PR45240098990).




Vehicle Crime

Godstone Road, Whyteleafe – Theft. Around 01.15September 1st aftershave and loose change were stolen from a car (PR45240101514).


Church Lane, Caterham – Theft. Between 11.30 and 13.20 September 4th a white grey and yellow Husqvarna motor bike index KX23DLD was stolen (PR45240101648).




Burglary Residential including sheds and garages


Southview Road, Warlingham. Between 19.45 and 21.10 September 11th the balcony window of a flat was broken , an untidy search made and cash and jewellery stolen .An adjoining flat was accessed through a partially open bathroom window. Again a messy search was undertaken and jewellery was stolen (PR45230104420/104427)


Vehicle Crime


Dane Road, Warlingham – Theft. Around 10.02 August 31st a grey Yamaha Tracer motorbike with blue wheels index was stolen. It was subsequently found by the MET police after it was abandoned in Croydon and the tracker pin pointed its location. At about the same time another black Yamaha motorbike index MT09SP was stolen from the same road but has not been located (PR 45240099882/99977).


Crossways, Tatsfield – Criminal Damage. Around 19.41 September 2nd a CCTV camera recorded brake fluid or paint stripper being poured over a car. The male suspect was described as white, age 60 plus, large build, wearing a gilet or short sleeve top, shorts and sandals (PR45240100949).



If you have to contact us about a non urgent matter or to provide information on non-urgent suspicious matters or unusual behaviour you have observed which may be useful intelligence for us at a future date please email Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Team:  tandridge@surrey.police.uk 
The information you provide will be read and treated in confidence when the staff are next on duty.



We have a portal for circumstances where no crime has been reported, but the suspicious behaviour could potentially be related to a burglary, theft of a vehicle, or catalytic converter, for example. We have a different unique link we provide to victims and witnesses when a burglary has occurred.

To find out more about the portal and submit your footage visit this link: https://surrey.police.uk/suspiciousactivityportal


How to contact us with information when we issue Witness Appeals or Appeals for information


  • Webchat on the right hand side of the Surrey Police homepage at https:/surrey.police.uk 
  • Online https://www.surrey.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/cor/tell-us-about-existing-case-report/
  • Calling us on 101


    Any recipient of Neighbourhood Alert is free to copy our Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter to any other interested party who can also register to receive the bulletin at: https://neighbourhoodalert.co.uk


    You can read past editions on the Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch website www.tandridgenhw.org  if you click on the tab headed Police

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    Message Sent By
    Neil Barnes
    (Surrey Police, Office Manager, Tandridge)

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