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🚨 Burglary Alert: Jewellery Thefts 🚨

Small, portable, and with a high resale value, jewellery is one of the most popular items on a burglar’s wish list. In the last week we’ve had burglaries reported in Maybury and Stanwell where jewellery was stolen, so we wanted to offer some tips on how to protect your treasured possessions from thieves.

Top tips:

💍 If your jewellery is very high value, we recommend storing it somewhere away from your home, such as a safety deposit box at a bank, where it cannot be easily accessed. 

💍 We recommend installing a safe at home to protect high value items. There are different types and sizes of safes for different needs (such as fire resistant, freestanding, wall/floor safes), so do your research before you buy. Please remember that a determined burglar will try to remove safes and carry off smaller or lighter ones, so consider one that can be fixed to the wall or floor if possible.

💍 Under beds, in wardrobes and bedside tables are the first places a burglar will look for valuables. Think outside the box and consider storing jewellery in false bottom drawers, bookcases, or the loft.

💍 Get your jewellery valued and insured. Although this won’t stop items being stolen, it will provide financial protection if the worst should happen.

💍 Keep photographs, written descriptions, and serial numbers of all your valuables. If stolen, this will allow us to put out an appeal to try and trace those items and help return them to you if we recover them later.

Read more on how to protect your home here: https://www.surrey.police.uk/burglary

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Message Sent By
Sophie Argent
(Police, Communications Officer, Corporate Communications)

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