The Police
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Bike Marking Event in Woking - Tuesday 18th June

Bike Marking Event-The Woking Neighbourhood Team will be in the town centre talking to people about fraud prevention. We will also be offering to bike marking. The team will be in Jubilee Square between 1000 and 1300 on 18th June 2024.

Marking and registering your bike means you could be reunited with your bike in the event of it being stolen, but it does not help make it a hard target to thieves. To reduce the chances of you becoming a victim of cycle theft, you should:

Double lock it: Use high-quality locks and secure both the frame and wheels.

Lock the lot: Lock your bike to an immovable object.

Secure it: Avoid leaving your bike unattended, especially in areas without surveillance.

Take removable parts with you: Remove accessories like lights, saddle, and wheels.

Park securely: Choose well-lit and busy areas.

Register it: Register your bike and record its details.

Mark it: Mark your bike with a unique identifier.

Remember safety begins at home: Secure your bike at home as well.


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Message Sent By
Stephen Dew
(Police, Police Support Volunteer, Woking SNT)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials