The Police
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Fraud reports in West Surrey

We have recently had a number of reports of courier fraud across West Surrey. 

Courier fraud is where vulnerable or elderly residents are targeted by people impersonating police officers. 

Please remember that your bank and the police will NEVER ask for your bank details, PIN, bank cards or cash.

If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be a police officer or from a bank who then asks for access to your bank account, this is fraud.

Fraudsters typically say that there has been unauthorised use of a debit or credit card and they need you to help with their investigation by providing PIN and card details either over the phone or in person to a courier they send.

Stay alert to courier fraud and please share this information with older and vulnerable family members or neighbours who are more likely to be targeted.

There is advice on how to avoid being a victim of fraud on our website here, and more about courier fraud here

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Message Sent By
Karen Parker
(Police, Comms officer, Corporate Communications)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials