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Do you know someone between the ages of 7 to 18?

Do you know someone aged between 7-18?

Today is Safer Internet Day and we are inviting children and young people to use their creativity to highlight the importance of having meaningful conversations about online safety.

We are looking for entries which nod to the campaign theme of “inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence, and navigating change”. This can be in the form of a song, poem, poster, or video (and anything else in between!).

The winning entry for each age category (age 7-11 and age 12 -18) will be shared on Surrey Police's channels and win a £25 Amazon voucher! (funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey)

All entries need to be in by 11:59pm on Tuesday, 20 February.

More details and how to enter can be found here.

Speaking to children about how we can create a safe and respectful space online isn’t just confined to one day. Every half a second a child goes online for the first time, so it’s a timely reminder to start those conversations early so that all children can feel empowered to use digital technology safely.

Not sure how to start the conversations?

The NSPCC have some valuable tools on their website that can help you.

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Message Sent By
Megan Arrol-Barker
(Surrey Police, Communications Officer, Corporate Communications)

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